Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I will repeat the well worn adage, "getting old is not for sissies" HOWEVER...

I have had glasses since I was in the third grade. I wear them for distance...that distance gets closer and closer but somehow I have been spared at the age of 58 needing reading glasses as well as glasses for near-sightedness. Anyway, as I sit here typing I realize I am tilting my head up a little to read...OH man...not bifocals too! Oh well let me tell you the trade off for aging is worth it. While my eyes may grow dimmer my sight has never been more clear and crystal! I see that the truth is what truly sets people free. I have seen it with my own eyes. I am an eyewitness to what seems to be a problem for all humanity. Many people believe the struggles in this life are regarding power. The power between good and evil. The power between money and poverty. The power between black and white. The power between weak and strong. This is not so. The issue is and always has been about truth. It is the truth that a three year old can see. It is the truth that a young woman kidnapped from her family into torture can see. It is the truth that a brand new mother can see and know and hear in her newborn baby girl's voice. It is the truth that a soldier will see on the battlefield or the sweet black slave see even though she is weary and worn. It is the truth that somewhere someone is cold. It is the truth that somewhere while you are young and strong someone just as valuable is weak and old. It is truth that money cannot buy you love and that the vast wealth that this world loves is nothing but empty wood, hay, and stubble.
Oh yes, I see this all clearer than I use too. I am much more keen and aware that everything is not what it seems and these moments of pearls I have strung together and called my life must be based on, redeemed by, and sanctified by Truth. So, getting old may be hard in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm it is new life and new vision everyday. It is running to the Truth...
John 8:31

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